Add $POLS Liquidity to PancakeSwap
To successfully add POLS liquidity to PancakeSwap, you will need the following:
- A Metamask account connected to BNB Smart Chain. See how to set that up here.
- BNB to pay for network fees
- BNB in a ratio proportional to the number of POLS you want to provide liquidity with
- You must have POLS on the BSC chain (BEP-20 version of POLS). Due to Multichain issues, you cannot bridge the tokens now nor withdraw BEP20 POLS on any CEX. BEP20 POLS can only be traded on Pancakeswap.
All set with your Metamask account? Connected to BNB Smart Chain? Head over to PancakeSwap, and let’s take a look at the next steps.
Step 1
Connect your Metamask Wallet to PancakeSwap (top right > Connect). Make sure you’ve selected ‘Smart Chain’.
Step 2
Via the PancakeSwap menu on the top select ‘Trade’ and then ‘Liquidity’.
Alternative: visit this URL that gives you direct access to the BNB/POLS pair.
Step 3
Once on the ‘Liquidity’ page, select ‘Add Liquidity’.
Next, select BNB and then select POLS. If the POLS token doesn’t appear in the list, you can add it manually by pasting the POLS BSC address (0x7e624fa0e1c4abfd309cc15719b7e2580887f570) into the search box.
Step 4
Input the desired BNB and POLS amount you want to add to the POLS liquidity pool and click on ‘Supply’.
Step 5
After confirming the supply, Metamask will again require a small fee to complete the approval. As you may have noticed, this is common practice for such transactions.